Benchmarking Hotels based on hotel type

This tool allows to display big data in a compact form for a detailed analysis of the KPIs of different hotel classes in Vienna between 2013 and 2021.


Benchmarking Hotels compared to overall market

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Benchmarking Luxury Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

A steady upwards trend in occupied rooms with an average of
66.3 occupied rooms compared to 64.8 from last year before COVID-19.

Average Daily Rate

A small crash between 2015 and 2017 but generally upward ADR trend before COVID but still less compared to last year


With an average REVPAR of 191.75 Euro, luxury hotels in Vienna got around 3 Euros per available room more revenue compared to last year. However, during the pandemic, the REVPAR crashed significantly.


Luxury hotels became very attractive during the last years post-pandemic. Occupancy and RevPAR increased compared to the years before but ADR was lower. This would suggest a lower profitability. It is clear to see that the pandemic left a huge impact on all hotels but especially on the RevPAR of luxury hotels. They now have similar RevPAR as all other hotel classes.

Benchmarking Upper Upscale Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

Very linear trend and no big changes between 2013 and 2019 but a crash during the COVID-19 pandemic

Average Daily Rate

Similar average ADR compared to last year but a small crash in 2020-2021. Compared to luxury hotels, the ADR during the pandemic didn’t fall that much.


Increased REVPAR starting with 2017 but during the pandemic it crashed as expected.


Upper upscale hotels managed to get similar indicator figures the past years. There has been little to no change but they still performed very well starting with 2013. Especially starting with 2018 they managed to charge more ADR with the same occupancy level but higher RevPAR. Again during the pandemics they had to deal with a lot of revenue loss.


Benchmarking Upscale Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

Very linear trend and no big changes between 2013 and 2019 but a crash during the COVID-19 pandemic

Average Daily Rate

Lower ADR between 2015 and 2016 compared to last year, but increased ADR between 2017 and 2020. During the pandemic a small decrease of ADR.


Increased REVPAR starting with 2016 but during the pandemic it crashed as expected.


Upscale hotels experienced a high fluctuation of ADR between 2013 and 2021 but managed to keep a very stable occupancy percentage. This would suggest that they adapted their ADR perfectly to keep a high occupancy level. The RevPAR did also increase compared to the years before.

Benchmarking Upper Midscale Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

Almost identical trend like other hotel types.

Average Daily Rate

Similar trend like other hotels types. Lower ADR between 2015 and 2016 compared to last year, but increased ADR between 2017 and 2020. During the pandemic a small decrease of ADR.


Increased REVPAR starting with 2016 but during the pandemic it crashed as expected.


By comparing RevPAR and ADR of upper Midscale hotels it is possible to see that a higher/lower ADR doesn’t always mean higher/lower RevPAR. During 2015 RevPAR was decreasing with an increasing ADR. Vice versa in 2018.

Benchmarking Midscale Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

Higher occupancy between 2016 and end of 2019 compared to last year, but a crash during the pandemic.

Average Daily Rate

Similar trend like other hotels types. Lower ADR between 2015 and 2016 compared to last year, but increased ADR between 2017 and 2020. However, a very interesting upward peak during the pandemics.


Similar to other benchmarks, REVPAR started to increase but then crashed in 2020-2021.


Midscale hotels experienced a hype starting around 2017. Their occupancy increased consistently as well as ADR and RevPAR. It is expected that midscale hotels leave the pandemic as winners because of the expected hype after traveling becomes less restricted.

Benchmarking Economy Hotels in Vienna

Rooms Occupied

Higher occupancy between 2016 and end of 2019 compared to last year, but a crash during the pandemic.

Average Daily Rate

Similar trend like other hotels types. Lower ADR between 2015 and 2016 compared to last year, but increased ADR between 2017 and 2020. Big crash during the pandemics.


Similar to other benchmarks, REVPAR started to increase but then crashed almost to below 10 Euros revenue per available room in 2020-2021.


Similar to midscale hotels, economy hotels also managed to increase occupcancy, ADR and RevPAR. A McKinsey study showed that Economy and Midscale hotels can expect a boom in occupancy as soon as travelling becomes possible again.